How many views do you need to make money on YouTube

In this blog, we will explore all about YouTube AdSense earnings. We aim at covering all the topics beginning from its definition to how you can use YouTube AdSense earnings to earn money per view. So, let’s begin with defining YouTube AdSense.

What is YouTube AdSense?

You must have heard it from your popular YouTuber friends or in the news how much an ‘XYZ’ YouTuber earned from one particular video. How do you think one makes money from videos? You do not just simply upload a video and start earning as soon as you start getting views. Yes, you do need views for earning money through YouTube Ads but that is not all, there is one more important step involved in the process of YouTube AdSense earnings. The most important step is to create an AdSense account. To generate YouTube AdSense earnings you will have to connect the two accounts in order to be eligible to avail YouTube AdSense money per view.

What is AdSense?

Google AdSense is a unit of Google focused on placing ads in videos on different channels. The advertisers can publish their ads through AdSense on different media. The ad publishers can display text, images, and videos on different websites and have to pay per click. On the other hand, the website owners receive money by connecting to AdSense.
YouTube AdSense Earnings
Google AdSense
The users only need to create a Google AdSense account which is for free and their website or YouTube channel will be eligible for Google Ads. There is code which needs to be copy and pasted and you are good to go. The AdSense revenue can be calculated on the pay per click basis or per-impression basis.
There are two types of Google AdSense accountsBusiness account and Personal account.
Take a look at the types of AdSense programs you can use:
  • AdSense for content: display ads on a website
  • AdSense for search: display ads in search results on a website
  • AdSense for mobile: display ads on a mobile site
  • AdSense for feeds: display ads in RSS feeds
  • AdSense for domains: display ads on unused domains
Certified publishers and developers also have access to AdSense programs. These Certified publishers can use AdSense to raise revenues from iPhone applications, video or Web browser games. At present, Google offers the following AdSense programs for certified publishers:
  • AdSense for mobile applications: monetize Android and iPhone applications
  • AdSense for TV: monetize TV inventory
  • AdSense for video: monetize online video content
  • AdSense for games: monetize browser-based games    

YouTube Adsense earning
Earn Money YouTube AdSense

How To Link YouTube to AdSense?

So, it’s time to learn how to earn from YouTube AdSense? Follow the steps to make money:
Step 1- Enable your YouTube account for monetization.
Step 2- Fill an application form to create a new AdSense account to connect with your YouTube account. Once Google approves your request, you will see a host account button on the home page of your AdSense account.
That is it. It is a simple two-step process to make an AdSense account.
Once you have made an AdSense account, take a minute to see the ad format types you can enable. It is suggested that you enable all.
However, if you already have a non-host website and want the ads to show there, you just need to fill another form. This is a one-time form in which you have to mention the URL of the website.

How can you use YouTube AdSense to earn money?

Yep! that’s it. Uploading your videos on YouTube and by not enabling monetization or not connecting it to AdSense you are closing the doors for your YouTube channel to earn money. AdSense, as mentioned above, is a unit of Google that enables Google to place ads on your videos and you are hence, been paid for it. If you have enabled all kinds of formats in your AdSense account, the videos in your channel will be subject to all the available video formats. YouTube will let the paying advertisers reach your channel. You do not have to do anything here, YouTube does the task for you. Thus, you can focus on creating the content for the videos to be uploaded on YouTube channel and the ads will be taken care of by YouTube itself.
Over 2 million people from all over the world have chosen Google AdSense for YouTube to earn money. The process is simple and lets you have complete control over everything. Thus, you can make money easily with YouTube AdSense earnings.
Step 1– You can select the type of ads that will be shown to the visitors on your YouTube channel.
Step 2– You can choose the space where the ad will be shown on your YouTube channel’s homepage.
YouTube Adsense earning
YouTube AdSense
Step 3- Next, you can also choose the advertisers who can post on your timeline. The advertisers actually go through a live bidding process to buy your ad space. And you can yourself pick the highest paying advertiser.
YouTube Adsense earning
How to Add YouTube in AdSense
Step 4- Once the ads go live, you do not need to worry about the money part because it will be taken care of by Google and once the sum reaches a minimum of $100, the money will be sent to you.
YouTube Adsense earning
Earn Money from YouTube AdSense
After you have learned how to begin with your YouTube AdSense earnings, give us the opportunity to guide with some more crucial points that must be kept in mind. Read on to know more about what I am talking about.

What should you choose- Affiliate Marketing or AdSense

An individual working as a YouTuber or a blogger may begin with either driven by passion. However, soon enough the importance of money is realized in the work you do.  Everyone needs money for the work they do and what can be better than earning through the work you are passionate about.
When you consider the online monetary sources you are most likely to get stuck in the choice between Affiliate Marketing or AdSense?
Now that we know the concept of AdSense, let’s understand what is Affiliate Marketing.

What is Affiliate Marketing?

The literal meaning of the term affiliate is officially attached or connected to. Affiliate Marketingrefers to an organization which is attached to a larger organization and is promoting their products. The affiliates are paid for the traffic sent by them.
So, consider an online shopper who is looking for a product, lands on an affiliate’s website from where she is further redirected to the merchandiser’s website. Once the online shopper finally makes a purchase, the merchandiser will pay a commission to the affiliate marketer.
This is an effective source of income for the smaller websites. A simple promotion on their end fetches them a good sum of income over the time.
Now, let’s answer the most asked question which is ‘how do the websites track down the affiliates that make sales for them and are redirecting the traffic to their websites’. Well, it’s through links, the website provides a URL to the affiliates which help them to track where the traffic came from. Many websites have the option of adding the referral link or username in order to track the affiliates and credit them.
A common example can be seen in many of the apps used by us on a daily basis like ‘Nearbuy‘, where you can purchase the deals for various restaurants, bars, etc. This is a small example of Affiliate Marketing where this website promotes the restaurants and bars by offering various deals. These are cost-effective deals that are focused on driving the visitors to these restaurants, hospitals, salons and so much more. This is an affiliate website that carries out promotion in the form of cost-effective deals.
YouTube AdSense Earnings
Nearbuy AdSense Earnings
This form of marketing is not just mere promotion but is a legitimate partnership with various companies in order to redirect traffic to their websites or their physical offices. In return, the affiliate (here Nearbuy) is paid their share.
Now, returning back to the primary question- Affiliate Marketing or AdSense?
Read the below-mentioned comparison between Affiliate Marketing and AdSense before making up your mind.
  1. An affiliate network is much more easy to get-in than getting your AdSense account because of Google’s super-strict AdSense policies.
  2. An individual can earn more from Affiliate Marketing than AdSense.
  3. A majority of affiliate programs offer to pay through Paypal whereas Adsense again has quite rigid payment policies and does not offer to pay through PayPal. The Google AdSense payment per view or pay per click is accumulated and after reaching a minimum amount ($100) it is transferred.
  4. Affiliate programs are available for available for almost all niches. However, AdSense is restricted for some niches.
  5. Affiliate Marketing provides you one- shot income, however, income from AdSense is recurring.
  6. AdSense is a unit of Google and thus is managed and operated by Google alone, whereas Affiliate Marketing is operated by many big and small companies.
  7. The AdSense ads are automated whereas the affiliates are comparatively more attractive.
  8. You have greater control over affiliates than AdSense.
If you agree with the above-mentioned points you will more likely have an inclination towards Affiliate Marketing. But give it another thought before you finalize your decision. There are certainly some more facts you could be unaware of.
Affiliate Marketing cannot be carried out aggressively on YouTube because doing so will get your channel marked as spam. Also, Affiliate Marketing cannot be displayed on every page of a website, unlike AdSense which is compatible with all the pages of a website.
Bloggers consider YouTube AdSense earnings to be a reliable source of online income because the cash-flow is consistent in comparison to Affiliate Marketing that provides you with one-shot income. Though, the per day income from AdSense is much lower than one sale from Affiliate Marketing.
I am quite sure, by now you could be really confused with which one to pick and I am not going to present you with any more facts and figures. Well, after looking at the benefits of both it is advisable that a combination of both must be used to make maximum earnings online.

Google AdSense for YouTube earnings success stories

There are numerous people all over the world who have made a good sum of money from YouTube AdSense money per view. The video below shows a list of all the YouTubers who made high YouTube AdSense earnings.

Dhinchak Pooja YouTube AdSense Earnings success story

If you are an Indian and have access to Facebook and YouTube, I assume that you have heard the Cringe pop artist Dhinchak Pooja’s trending (head-aching) songs. But let me tell you. she is smarter than most of us. You could be laughing at her songs but mind it, you could not ignore her. How can you after all? Your friends begin to tag you each time, the young girl releases another song.
But the matter of fact is that all of it is working in her favor: the laughs, the ranting, insulting, tagging friends. You are only making her more popular and helping her fetch more views. There are several Vloggers who are making their videos with Dhinchak Pooja as their primary subject and boy are they making money? Yes!
How do you think the young artist is making money? Just by views?  certainly not! The girl is much smarter than you think she is. The cringe pop artist has connected her YouTube channel to Google AdSense. That is the secret behind her Lakhs of income. Yes, the views are important but a YouTuber would not be able to earn money in the absence of an AdSense account.
She is smart enough to have made an AdSense account which helped her make the most of her views and earn out of them. The payment criteria of YouTube Ads is calculated on the basis of at least a 30-second view of the banner ad. An ideal YouTuber earns about $1 to $2 on an effective payout per thousand views which accounts for 32% kept by YouTube and 68% being paid to the channel owner. This sums up an amount of $700- $1500 per million views.
Now, with this criteria, the cringe artist had probably earned 13- 22 Lakhs INR for a 23 million views. Yes! you read that right, the song ‘Selfie Maine Leli Aaj’  has above 14 million views that have earned her an amount 7 times the annual salary package of a corporate slave. That hurts!
To Conclude
As soon as you decide to become a YouTuber as a part of your road to fame. To meet the monetary expenses and earn money out of the videos, you need a YouTube Google AdSense account. The easy process of connecting the YouTube channel with AdSense is quite easy and is mentioned in a 4 step short process. The blog also highlights the difference between Affiliate Marketing and Adsense and it is explained above that as a beginner which will be more profitable from the business perspective. The motive of this blog was to equip our readers with the knowledge of how can one make money with YouTube AdSense videos and talk in detail about YouTube AdSense earnings. We covered topics like YouTube AdSense earnings in details. We hope that we were able to cater to your queries and helped you have a better insight on the topic.
Feel free to leave comments and let us know if the blog was helpful or if it needs improvement.

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