Green Economy "Not to be Feared, But an Opportunity to be Embraced" Says UN Chief as COP25 Gets Underway

Green Economy "Not to be Feared, But an Opportunity to be Embraced" Says UN Chief as COP25 Gets Underway
MADRID, Dec 02 (IPS) - A green economy is "not one to be feared but an opportunity to be embraced", UN Secretary-General António Guterres said on Monday, in a keynote speech to delegates at the opening of the COP25 UN climate conference in Madrid on Monday. Read the full...

Cabo Verde's Morna for UNESCO list, Belgium’s Carnival of Aalst to Go?

Cabo Verde's Morna for UNESCO list, Belgium’s Carnival of Aalst to Go?
PARIS, Nov 29 (IPS) - Morna, the haunting, traditional music of Cabo Verde, is slated to join UNESCO's Intangible Cultural Heritage List when a committee meets in Bogotá, Colombia, Dec. 9 to 14, to consider submissions from around the world. Read the full story, “Cabo...

270 Million People are Migrants, Who Send Home a Staggering $689 Billion

270 Million People are Migrants, Who Send Home a Staggering $689 Billion
UNITED NATIONS, Nov 27 (IPS) - The number of international migrants in 2019 is now estimated at 270 million and the top destination remains the United States, at nearly 51 million, the UN migration agency said on Wednesday. Read the full story, “270 Million People are...