Cairo Dream Requires $264 Billion to Deliver Women’s Call for Justice and Bold Leadership

Cairo Dream Requires $264 Billion to Deliver Women’s Call for Justice and Bold Leadership
NAIROBI, Kenya, Nov 12 (IPS) - For each of the 830 women dying each day from pregnancy complications and childbirth, an estimated 20 others suffer serious injuries, infections or disabilities. This is the reality that millions of women face, and informs the Nairobi Summit's...

Nairobi Summit to Redouble Efforts to Urgently Deal with Reproductive Rights for Women and Girls

Nairobi Summit to Redouble Efforts to Urgently Deal with Reproductive Rights for Women and Girls
NAIROBI, Kenya, Nov 12 (IPS) - More than 6 000 delegates in the population development sector are gathering in the Kenyan capital of Nairobi this week to renew the promise made to girls and women 25 years ago in Cairo. Read the full story, “Nairobi Summit to Redouble Efforts...

Italy’s Olive-Oil Industry Sees Simmering Threats from Climate Change and Nasty Bacteria

Italy’s Olive-Oil Industry Sees Simmering Threats from Climate Change and Nasty Bacteria
ROME, Nov 06 (IPS) - Poor weather and disease have killed millions of trees and decimated yields in Italy's olive country, and consumers can taste the differenceOn a warm Saturday morning in late October, the silver-green leaves of the 200 productive olive trees on a rolling...